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Succeeding with a Notespeller, Preparatory (2nd Edition)

Succeeding with a Notespeller provides a terrific way to reinforce all the notes and intervals (Bass C–Treble G, steps and skips) presented in Succeeding at the Piano®, Preparatory Level. Students are motivated by colorful activities that are cheerful and fun! Can be a useful supplement to any piano method.

Succeeding at the Piano Lesson Book – Preparatory (2nd Edition)

This is a special edition with similar music and art for teachers who prefer teaching technique in their own, personal style. We’ve taken out some technical hints and reminders so teachers can use their unique, descriptive vocabulary for the physical gestures necessary to play beautifully. Concepts for beginners include basic rhythmic figures, dynamics, healthy technique,...

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The All in One Approach, Prep Book A

Designed for the busy student who enjoys piano and wants to achieve success, this series teaches the essentials of piano playing: reading, theory, rhythm, musicianship, technique, composition, and composer information – all in one book! The terrific motivational music by multiple composers uses a traditional reading approach that focuses on steps, skips and repeated notes...

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In Recital Ready, Set, Play! Halloween Songs

In Recital® Ready, Set, Play! is a series which features pre-reading pieces for the beginner-level piano student. It is a fun and motivational series that is best used with the Preparatory level of Succeeding at the Piano®. In this book students reinforce pre-reading, finger numbers, as well as white and black key recognition skills. In...

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