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There are specific videos on a variety of different topics, such as Rhythm, Reading, Beginner level Essentials, Musicality, Practicing, Body-Friendly Technique, Music History, Composers, Musical Symbols and Terms, Performance Strategies, Advanced collegiate and high school-level students, as well as videos that give insight into using Succeeding at the Piano® and the FJH Pianist’s Curriculum®.
What Does Cooking an Italian Meat Sauce Have in Common with Teaching Effective Practice Strategies?
To view all webinar materials, visit MTNA’s website . Ever wonder what making a full-bodied Bolognese has in common with teachingRead More
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Musicality; Succeeding at the Piano, the Why and the How #3 – Musicality More
Ear Training for Beginner Piano Students More
Rhythm – Counting 6/8 Time! More